Craigslist vs. Angels of Passion - Personals
Online Matchmaking Site
With the advancement of technology, it has become much easier for us to connect and communicate with other people from the other end of the globe. It has also opened the door to another means of finding your one true love. This has also given opportunity to matchmakers to explore the virtual world and gain a larger number of clients from across the world. Hence, this has been sought by various males and females seeking for long and lasting relationships.
In the virtual world where matchmaking is quite popular, some of the sites that have caught the attention of the media are Craigslist and Angels of Passion. Both have made an impact in terms of the matchmaking services field however, both have certain differences which bring on the game for both sites.

Craigslist, founded by Craig Alexander Newman in 1995, is a classified advertisements whose sections are devoted to gigs, jobs, resumé housing, for sale, items wanted,community, services, and discussion forums. One of the sections in Craigslist is the personals section where the dating and meeting of men and women with the hope of finding true love come in.
Tons of men and women across the globe have tried out the dating services of the site. A lot of feedbacks have been made; some found it alright while many subscribers found the dating services experience substandard compared to other online dating sites.
Lack of Company Name
Craigslist has no host company. It simply posts from its personals which is managed by the account owners themselves. There is no thorough screening which is why the site is very unreliable when it comes to user security. Due to this, scams are rampant using the site and as much as the users want to sue the site for this, it will not be possible. Because of its poor security and lack of company name, suing the site would be like playing dodge ball and not being sure who to hit. Unfortunately, this is a disadvantage to the user. No one can be hold accountable to whatever happens during the dating or matchmaking process.
Authenticity of the Personals and Profiles
Verification is one of the bases of security in all media platforms. Through this, authenticity of profiles from sites can be guaranteed. This one important aspect is what Craigslist misses. Users can easily upload images and put up fake profiles in Craigslist without having to undergo authentication process. The site has no means of verifying the profiles which made the site a target for scammers thus, victims tend to lose thousands of dollars from their pockets.
Security in Meetups
Dating sites and matchmaking agencies give opportunity for people to meet up and socialize. However, since Craigslist has security issues, meeting someone from the site may need a double check. This may cause your life to be at stake. Due to the site’s lack of verification, you may end up meeting with scammers, kidnappers, or worse, murderers. Hence, it may be safer for you to do additional background on Craigslist personals before meeting up for your own safety.

Being one of the most respected foreign singles introduction and tours services in the world which has been founded in 1995, it offers you a great selection of gorgeous foreign women personals who are looking for long-term relationships and who deeply want to settle down with foreign men. These women have undergone the site's personal verification process which ensures security of both the users and women within the site.
This company is one of the very first matchmaking agencies ever established which has the goal of connecting men and women seeking for their one true love.
Presence of Company Name
The company offers services such as singles tours, singles vacation and matchmaking services. Having the company name guarantees security to the users in availing of their services. The company details can also be easily found within the site. This goes to say that the company is legit and can be trusted. There is a sense of accountability and trust for the company which can provide you with great security.
Authenticity of the Personals and Profile
One of the prides of the company other than its beautiful and qualified women is its security. It provides authenticity of the identities of women from Angels of Passion. These profiles are meticulously screened by hands-on staff of the company. Catfishing is close to impossible here due to its verification process and authenticity check. Fake profiles are then banned in the site to ensure the security of its users.
Unlike unsecured sites, Angels of Passion clients are secured and will not have any issues when it comes to fake identities. Here, what you see is what you get.
Security in Meetups
The end goal of the company is to help men and women find true love through their matchmaking services. Clients are able to choose among the women from different racial backgrounds within the site and find the women of their dreams. Moreover, it gives opportunity for them to meet up through singles tours and singles vacation. These tours are already arranged by the staff so the clients will have nothing else to think about other than preparing to see the women whom they have their eyes on. This includes transportation, accommodation and social events.
Although this has a price tag, it is all worth it. The site promises security when it comes to the actual meetup due to the company's verification procedure. Clients will no longer have to think twice considering that the company provides full security with regards to the profiles of the women whom they wish to meet up with.
Love is something that Angels of Passion women treasure because the end goal of the company is to help men and women find true love--people who will be with them through thick and thin. Keeping that in mind, the company promises security on the part of the clients with regards to the profiles of the foreign women in the site. Unlike Craigslist which does not solely focus on matchmaking and dating, Angels of Passion will NEVER result to lax security and scamming. This matchmaking site takes pride in its security next to its women and services. After all, safety must always come first.