How to Celebrate the New Year Without Spending TOO Much

Oh, the holidays. There’s nothing like it that can empty your pockets a lot faster than you think.

After buying everyone’s presents and flying to see your long distance partner, you’d be lucky enough to find a few bucks left in your wallet. While the occasion can most likely max out your credit card and swell up your expenses, it’s still one of the celebrations worth waiting for.

A couple celebrating New Year together. Sometimes, celebrations don't necessarily have to be extravagant.

January 1, New Year’s Day

The history of New Year’s day is a tale as old as time that goes way back to the 8th century. The old Roman calendar, which was created by Romulus, consisted of ten months and three hundred four days.

Later on, King Numa Pompilius added the months of Januarius and Februarius, which we know today as January and February. However, the calendar became inconsistent with the sun. To solve the problem, Julius Caesar, together with some of the most renowned astronomers and mathematicians of his time, stepped in.

They instituted January 1 as the first day of the year while honoring Janus, the Roman god of beginnings. To this day, most countries in the world celebrate New Year on the said date.

It’s Alright Not to Overspend

Perhaps you believe it’s impossible to spend the holidays and welcome the new year without spending at least a fortune. With all of the festivities, gift-giving, and gatherings taking place, you simply can’t help pulling out more bucks from your pocket.

Especially now that you’re dating a foreign woman, your travel expenses are one of the things your budget also needs to cover. The thing is, you don’t need to overthink your finances.

The holidays aren’t a reason to overspend. After all, sticking to a budget can help you keep yourself out of debt and hold on to your money when emergencies arise.

A Budget-Friendly New Year Celebration

The New Year falls shortly after Christmas, and you’re likely to be on a tight budget after all the expenses you made for the recent occasion, but this doesn’t mean you can’t welcome the year in style.

To have a budget-friendly New Year celebration, here are some tips that might help:

  1. Stay at home.

Instead of going to hotels for countdown parties or visiting bar-hosted celebrations, invite your family and friends to your place where you can throw a party.

A couple in the kitchen. All it takes is to have the person by your side to make any occasion a lot more meaningful.

Repurpose your holiday decorations and put up those twinkling lights again. Serve your guests with a menu that’s easy to prepare and light on your budget. Because it’s a party, asking them to BYO dish isn’t a bad idea.

  1. Start your celebration late.

Preparing a complete course meal for your guests is more costly than having to prepare only appetizers and drinks, so let them come way past dinner time because chances are, they already ate at home.

  1. Host a brunch.

Some of you may not be very fond of staying up late welcoming the new year. While it’s all about partying with people close to you, it’s all fun until you feel sluggish from all the champagne you’ve had to drink.

As an alternative, skip the celebration and invite people over for brunch on the first day of the year!

  1. Dine out and drink in.

Drinks are some of the most expensive items on the menu because they are either overpriced or served in meager amounts. This New Year, enjoy pre-dinner drinks while you’re at home and dine out at your favorite restaurants without worrying about how much you’ll spend!

  1. Have potluck dinners.

Potluck dinners save you a lot of time and money. You don’t need to cook for a day and spend on everything, including drinks and dessert. Enjoy good company and savory dishes with your family and friends while listening to holiday songs and exchanging gifts.

  1. See a public fireworks display.

Watching a public fireworks display isn’t only a cost-effective thing to do, but it also promotes your safety. This way, you won’t put yourself and your company at risk by lighting firecrackers in your own space at home.

See? Spending the New Year together doesn’t have to cost you that much. Even by just having simple dishes and staying at home, you can always have a meaningful celebration as long as you’re with the people you love most.

Dinner on the table. One of the perks of dating foreign women is having to experience a new kind of culture.

New Year’s Financial Resolutions For You

As a long distance couple, you can’t easily see each other anytime or do other things normal couples do together in the flesh. But this doesn’t mean either that you can’t set goals in your relationship, especially about money.

To start the year right, here are some New Year’s resolutions you can make as a couple:

  1. Take the challenge of saving money.

Each day of the year, make it a habit to stash away pennies or small bills and set them aside. After a year, you’d be surprised to see how much 365 days’ worth of money you can save rather than spend!

  1. Set a regular budget.

Okay, so you had a daily budget last year, but now, you’re wondering where all your money went. This doesn’t mean to say that you’re an awful spender. Sometimes, you just don’t notice that you have unhealthy spending habits.

This year, set a budget for yourself, and be sure to follow it religiously.

  1. Wait and buy only on sale.

You don’t necessarily need that cool leather jacket or upgrade your smartphone for the latest one on the market. After all, a wise person knows that buying on sales helps save a few extra bucks.

Moreover, holding on to discount codes, vouchers, coupons, and cashback apps is also a great idea.

  1. Book flights and tickets ahead of time.

If you’re thinking about how to make her feel special in a long distance relationship, the secret is to see her. You can either surprise her or plan a trip together.

The important part here is you book your tickets ahead of time because they are a lot cheaper when you do.

The holidays are the most economic time of the year.

Everything about it is a good reason to spend your money on. However, it’s best to always be prepared for your future expenses.

If you want to have a meaningful New Year, don’t just opt for a grandiose celebration. Simply be with her, and it will definitely be an occasion you’d always remember.