Dating Advice | Unusual and Awesome First Date Ideas

Dating advice for first date experiences Leave a lasting impression on your first date with foreign women with these date ideas.

If you truly want to leave a lasting impression on your first date, here’s a piece of dating advice: break out of the old boring dinner and movie date routine. Sometimes it really pays to somehow be unpredictable, especially when going out with foreign women who love surprises.

Not only would you stand out, but you’ll also get to bond through a unique experience. Acing your first date is a surefire way of landing a second, third, and many more dates to come. You certainly cannot underestimate the significance of a memorable first date.

So, what kind of first date experience would you like to try with her? Here are a few ideas:

  • Compete in trivia night.

    Do you have a lot of general knowledge stored in your brain but don’t know what to do with it? Then better make something useful out of it by impressing your date with your intellectual prowess in a trivia-themed date.

    Most places with trivia nights have a gameshow-esque mechanism where they’ll pit teams against each other for a friendly brainy competition. Through working together to best out other teams, you’ll get to bond much faster. You also dispense with formalities and get to know each other’s personalities through the game. Perhaps the game shows how good you two are in a team.

  • Try wine tasting.

    If you prefer a fancier date, then nothing can top wine tasting. This is the perfect excuse to don your best suit and see her decked out in a nice gown or cocktail dress. The best part, of course, is the chance to taste some of the finest wines.

  • Buy tickets to a game.

    Is your date a fan of a particular team? If so, one of the best date ideas would be to watch one of their games live. If you have some cash to spare, pick seats that are closer to where the action is, which makes cheering for the team (and booing the opposing team) even more exhilarating.

  • Sing your hearts out at a karaoke bar.

    Singing is one of the best forms of expression. You can convey your passion and sentiments through the right song. It’s also a good way to de-stress. So if you’ve been having a hard time at work lately, you two can belt your hearts out through a duet.

  • Enjoy yourselves at an amusement park.

    Your date in the amusement park could either be filled with adventure, romance, or both depending on the rides. You could also try your luck at some games and possibly win some prizes. The best part is there is no running out of things to do at an amusement park.

These are some of the best tips for dating someone new. What’s interesting about these experiences is that you get to bond much quicker through shared experience. By following any of these tips, it’s a guarantee that you’ll leave a lasting impression on your foreign date.

But even if you have the perfect date in mind, you still have to win her over with your personality. Throughout the date, always be polite and courteous because this shows her that you care. More importantly, even if you are hoping for something serious to come out of this date, don’t forget to enjoy it. That would be the best start to any relationship. And before you know it, you could end up with a foreign girl for marriage.

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