Do Foreign Women REALLY Prefer Dating Older Men?

A photo of a woman in a white patterned dress, holding a man’s hand with mountains in the background Discover the truth about the preferences of foreign women when it comes to relationship partners. | Photo by Junior Skumbag on Unsplash

There are a lot of articles that talk about why older men prefer dating younger foreign women, and of course, why younger foreign women prefer dating older men.

Considering all the opportunities online dating has provided for men and women around the world, one cannot help but ask if the statement mentioned above is indeed true. Do foreign women REALLY prefer dating older men?

In practicality? The answer is YES! This is good news for all the men out there who want to settle down with their one and only. Now, the next question you might be asking is, “What is a good age difference in a relationship?”

Most studies have a logical answer to this particular question, but what does it matter? Age is just a number, and love knows no bounds. As long as a man and woman are of legal age, they should be fine and good to go.

Surveys have also been conducted, particularly among foreign women, asking about their preferences when it comes to a relationship partner. A lot of their answers might even surprise you!

Here are some reasons why foreign women prefer older men:

  1. More reliable and mature.

    Foreign ladies strongly prefer an older man who is dependable when it comes to real life situations -- a man who is mature and willing to take risks, a man who knows when to step out of his comfort zone.

    For as long as you live, more and more challenges are going to come your way, which is also true for foreign women. But for the most part, these ladies want to spend the rest of their lives with a man whom they can trust to help them overcome the challenges in life.

  2. More stable.

    It's a given that most men of an older age are financially stable. Women know that they can find love anytime, anywhere, but they also know that it doesn’t put food on the table. It doesn’t give them shelter and clothing.

    Financial stability, in all aspects, plays a crucial role, and that's not to say that all women are gold diggers. Most women in foreign countries are already well off, and they have a career that will sustain them for the rest of their lives. This is just a way for them to gain assurance, and it is nice to know that the man they are with is independent enough.

  3. Family-oriented.

    This is a loving quality that foreign ladies look for in a long term relationship partner. Some of them look forward to raising a family, some don't, but it is this loving trait that scores a big deal. All foreign women who are invested in finding love search for men who really know how to love.

  4. Invested in pursuing goals.

    These women look for men who are determined. To them, being with a man who has future plans is like discovering sunken treasure. This increases a man's value over time, whereas dating a younger man who has no ambition and just wants to go with the flow can indicate that a stable future might not be in store for him. Keep in mind that passion and motivation are two endearing qualities that most women want in a partner.

  5. More life experiences.

    When younger women date older men, older men automatically become wise owls. A man who has lived his life is now full of wisdom, unlike a younger partner who is yet to go through many more experiences. Young foreign women need guidance to overcome the trials of life, and they find it appealing if a man can show them the proper way to do it.

  6. Responsible and committed.

    An older man is usually more willing to accept responsibilities as an adult. He can also be very committed when it comes to romantic relationships. That’s why most foreign women seek these virtues if they want to settle down for good.

  7. There’s always something to discuss.

    The age gap in a relationship poses no problem in terms of communication. All women want heartfelt communication with their partners. The older the man gets, the more topics are in line for discussion.

  8. They don’t criticize.

    In life, accepting criticism is one way to grow, but women are emotionally sensitive by nature. They might take it the wrong way and have their self-esteem diminished. So why do they seek older men?

    Older men are not only mature, but they are also very understanding. They already know how criticism affects a person, and some of them have experienced this as well. This is an advantage when men are years older than their partner. They know how to empathize and connect to a deeper level of understanding.

  9. Wrinkles define a man.

    The dating game for younger generations really got kicked up a notch! Young women tend to like a manly man. According to surveys, wrinkles can also be referred to as one's battle scars. The more wrinkles you have, the more battles you’ve faced and lived through, and what’s manlier than that?

  10. Honest and sincere.

    Older men are very honest and sincere when it comes to who they are and how they want to be in a relationship. Unlike most younger lads who are new to connecting with women on online dating sites, older men don’t have anything to hide.

A Quest for Knowledge

When finding a foreign girlfriend, will age differences really matter?

Before anything else, try to learn more about the relationship age gap rule. There’s this thing called the half-age-plus-seven. In simpler terms, this means that you should never date someone who is under half your age, plus 7.

This dictates the acceptable age disparity between two people in an intimate relationship. It is otherwise known as the standard creepiness rule, which plays a big role when you’re trying to create a long lasting romantic bond. Unless both parties are in mutual agreement despite the standards of society, then it’s okay, go for it.

In all honesty, this rule is totally irrelevant when it comes to true love, but to be on the safe side, it’s better to have more knowledge. Learn more about foreign women and what their preferences are in love and relationships. With that, your quest of finding love should be a breeze.