Effective Dating Tips to Get a Foreign Date This National Lover’s Day

Asian woman with beautiful eyes looking straight at the camera. Apply dating tips to increase your chances of success with foreign women.

If you’re into foreign women, there’s no shame in that. In fact, many men from around the world seek exotic beauty. It’s understandable.

At some point, seeing and going out with local women can become boring; they start to look the same. That is why when you see a foreign woman, you are drawn to their unique features instantly. Their beauty is not something you see every day, and that makes them desirable.

If you are actively seeking foreign women, here are some dating tips for single men that you might find useful. Grab a pen and notebook. Here’s how to get a foreign date this National Lover’s Day:

Put Yourself Out There

Do you know the difference between men with partners and single men? The former knows how to take risks. They are not afraid to go out and actively seek women to date.

So put yourself out there. Expand your horizons. You can’t meet women by staying at home all day. It simply does not work that way. You need to get off your couch, dress up, and go out.

Yes, it’s going to be pretty terrifying. But it’s the only way to meet new people. You need to be vulnerable. Be open to new experiences. Instead of being afraid, embrace it. That’s the first step in your dating journey.

Here are a few tips to meet foreign women to date:

  1. Go to a local bar

There’s no need to go far and wide. Visit local spots near you. There may be an Asian woman having a trip to your town or a foreign student who just moved in. You can also look at pubs located within your vicinity. There are a lot of local places where you can find foreign women.

  1. Travel

Expand your horizons by traveling. Visit a foreign country and personally meet foreign women. Think of it as an adventure or vacation. You’re going there to see new sights, gain new memories, and meet new people.

There are hundreds of countries to choose from. Go to the jaw-dropping islands in the Philippines. Or explore the diverse culture of Latin countries. Most importantly, meet thousands of gorgeous foreign women.

  1. Dive into online dating

If you don’t want to spend a fortune just to meet foreign women, you could always try online dating sites. Just sign up to any international dating platform. This won’t cost a lot. You only need an Internet connection and a phone or laptop and you can start meeting and talking to thousands of women online.

Look Your Best

First impressions matter. This doesn’t mean that you have to look and dress like a movie star or runway model. You just have to show that you know how to take care of yourself.

This may be one of the most cliche dating tips for guys, however, this has the biggest impact if you want to impress women. It shows that you care about your appearance and hygiene. You know how to make yourself look presentable, and women find that attractive.

Build Your Confidence

Do you know what attracts women? Confidence.

In a recent research by Singapore Management University, professor Norman Li concluded that confidence makes men more attractive to women.

How so? According to participants, confident men are perceived to be more capable and reliable than shy men. It shows that you can be a good safety net in times of difficulty. Stability in relationships is also a key factor here.

The good thing is, you can practice confidence. Start with how you present yourself. If you look good, you will feel good. In terms of communication, maybe you could rehearse possible conversations. If possible, practice talking with your friends.

Before moving forward though, consider that there’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance. Don’t overdo it. There’s no need to boast about yourself while dragging others down. You will come as arrogant. And women don’t like cocky men.

Know How to Talk to Women

Do you know how to engage women in a conversation? Whether you like it or not, you need to be brave and approach women with confidence. You need to learn the art of conversation.

Not to worry, here are a few dating tips for shy guys that can help them become great conversationalists: Start with a compliment. Ask open-ended questions. Share something about yourself. Tell a joke. Find a shared interest. Or, you know, you could always prepare a list of conversation topics and store it in your back pocket. Talking to women is not rocket science, so don’t worry too much.

All you need is the courage to approach them and speak up. You can even ask your friends to hype you up or ask one of them to be your wingman. Get creative.

Have Good Manners

How would you feel if someone talked to you in a disrespectful manner? You would surely get angry. You may even want to block them if you are talking online.

This also goes with how you communicate with foreign women. Treat them with respect. Don’t offend them or their culture. Give your whole attention when having a conversation with them. Be genuine about your intentions. This online dating advice for guys is pretty basic, but it is important to keep note of.

Practice Flirting

Show your interest in a foreign woman by flirting with her.

For flirting in person, here’s what you need to do. First, make eye contact. Once your gaze meets, flash a smile. If she smiles back at you, that’s your cue to approach her. If she ignores you, then she’s not that interested.

For flirting online. If you’re in a video chat, make prolonged eye contact. Compliment her. If you’re texting, try making her laugh with different jokes. Just don’t overdo it. Stop when she feels uncomfortable. There are ways to perfectly flirt with a woman without crossing her boundaries.

Be Patient

A couple kissing on the beach. Land a date with a foreign woman by applying these dating tips.

Finding ‘the one’ doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time, so don’t stress too much. And instead of getting impatient, venture out. Meet foreign women both offline and online. It’s only when you go out there and do something that you will find what you’re looking for, so be brave. You will meet the person destined for you.