Loving Yourself BEFORE Dating Overseas

An image of a man sitting happily across the field on a warm summer day. Love yourself first before dating foreign women overseas! | Photo by Adolfo Felix on Unsplash

The sudden ring of your doorbell makes you stop taking the next bite of your home cooked dinner. You are not expecting anyone at the hour and you’re perplexed as to who it could be. You stand up, lift your napkin to the table, and make your way to the door.

A small envelope catches your eye as you near it. Someone slipped a paper underneath your door, you realize. Ripping open the envelope, you see that it is an advertisement for a newly launched app for people interested in dating overseas.

Deciding to find love overseas is not a decision that a person can come to right away. Internal and external factors may affect your success. A lack of self love can affect your physical health and ability to love others as well.

However, before learning to love someone, there is a strong need for you to start learning to love yourself first. Why? Take time to read the principles below:

Embrace Your True Self

Every person born in this world is different from one another and no two people are exactly alike. The first step to loving yourself is embracing who you are. Don’t pressure yourself on being perfect because, in truth, no one really is.

Free yourself from negative thoughts that mainly affect you in the long run. If you let yourself be swayed by the negativity, you will find yourself losing your grip on reality. Remember that a man who practices self-love will be a good match for his woman.

Don't Waste Time Impressing Others

Our lives are lived by us and no other person can do it on our behalf. To love yourself and feel good about who and what you are, don’t live a life by the expectations and impractical standards of others. Know that there are no rules written on how to live a perfect life, other than those you read in fiction works.

Do what you love, and learn to love yourself.

Be Happy with Yourself

The power of loving yourself begins with being happy about being you. Even if there may be instances wherein you feel like wishing you were someone else who’s far more successful and living a ‘better’ life, they are still different from you and will never be you. Feel lucky about this and it will help you a great deal.

Accept the Things You Cannot Control

Humans are incapable of taking control of everything. In life, you can only control your choices and, sometimes, how you feel about those choices, and nothing else. How you were born was not for you to decide on.

What life you’ll be living is not in your decision but the things you do to change it are. Accept this fact and you will find it easier to love yourself.

Be Mindful of Your Emotions

One way to keep your mental health in a good state is to mind the emotions that you feel and check upon yourself from time to time. Talking to yourself is healthy, and it is wrong to think otherwise.

Don’t be consumed by anger, controlled by hatred, or dictated by jealousy. As much as you can, feel positive emotions and maintain your well-being.

Don’t Change for Someone Else

Dating someone from another country online may bring an instant change to your life. You may start doing unconventional things and you may find yourself more open about the things you don’t know and unfamiliar with you.

But even if this happens to be the case, don’t let yourself change just for the sake of the person to love you. If you have to change for your partner, it may not be true love.

Finding Your Match Overseas

As you learn to love yourself, it becomes easier to appreciate and love another person. Perhaps this may be the time for you to look for your match and the time for you to give online dating a try. Here are some important points for you to know:

Distance Does Not Matter As Much

The world we live in has now changed in a lot of ways. Modernization has dominated almost everything we do now. The days when you have to break up with her because she’ll be moving somewhere far from you are over.

Now, dating overseas can be done with the help of international dating sites. As this has become pretty common nowadays, you should know that distance may mean so little if the person means that much to you.

Many search for dating advice about the thoughts and feelings of foreign women. In most cases these men are using matchmakers rather than a dating app. These same men are looking for more long term relationships rather than casual dating.

Distances Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Eagerness and excitement are always there when you’re in a relationship and wish to spend almost every minute with her. However, there is no need for you to see each other all the time.

Two people in love and committed to each other should also learn to manage time on their own. Alone time is a must for each of us, so make sure you give some to yourself and your future partner.

It is also advisable for you to make her miss you, and you for her. Knowing that not seeing her for days, weeks or even months will only make you yearn for each other more. Who would not want to have someone waiting for them, right?

Make the Best of What You Have

A long-distance relationship with someone you met online may not be all blue skies and rainbows for you. You may encounter challenges and small fights that are inevitable just like any other couple faces.

Technology is the best tool for both of you to communicate and spend time with each other so use this to your advantage. Instead of feeling gloomy about how you are only limited to seeing her through your screen, appreciate how you have a convenient way to reach her.

Overcome Cultural Differences

Dating overseas and meeting a person who has sincere feelings for you doesn’t happen every day. As much as you want to keep her by your side, it is imminent that you’re different after all. For things to work out, face your differences by helping out each other, compromising, and loving in a lot of ways.