Travel Tips | Clothes to Pack for a Winter Trip to Ukraine

During the winter, most people prefer going somewhere warm. Asia is usually a popular destination because of the continent’s abundance of pristine beaches and lush jungles.
However, there are certain places that come alive during winter (Ukraine being one of them). If you can brave the chilly weather, then go for it. You definitely wouldn’t regret visiting these winter wonderlands. And one of the traveling benefits of a winter trip is that not many people travel during this time. So you don’t have to compete with crowds of tourists while exploring. Besides, there are definitely ways for you to warm up in such cold temperatures.
In order to prepare for the cold, you’ll need to wear the right set of clothes. Your biggest challenge would probably be layering up for the cold. To have a better idea of what to wear, we prepared a few winter travel packing tips that may come in handy:
Shirts, sweaters, pants, leggings, and jackets
These pieces of clothing are important because they provide the most coverage. But perhaps what’s most confusing is how much you have to wear (and bring). The answer isn’t as complicated as you think: T-shirt, long sleeved shirt, fleece sweater, then water-proof and light windproof jacket. And that’s only for your upper body.
For your lower body, a pair of thick socks, leggings, and pants, and lastly a pair of shoes, but in order to stay warm, pick fabrics that are warm and thick. For example, wear denim pants over your leggings for an added layer of warmth. -
Hats, gloves, and scarves
Believe it or not, these items are just as crucial. While they may not be as large as shirts or jackets, they still preserve a significant amount of warmth and protection in the usually exposed areas of your body.
Let’s start with headwear. First of all, it shouldn’t just cover your head, but also your ears and the upper back of your neck. A good beanie would suffice. No need for hats that have flaps or fluff balls because they only weigh down the material (especially when they accidentally get wet).
Next up are the gloves. For this, you don’t have to wear something with thick fabric (light and breathable material will do). And ideally, it also has to be water-proof. After all, snow tends to melt, so wearing damp gloves in the winter wouldn’t keep your hands cold at all.
The last one is completely optional. However, it wouldn’t hurt to wrap a scarf around your neck. Your neck needs just as much coverage as the rest of your body. Also, it’s possible cold air might enter through the collar area. So you might as well wear a scarf so that you cover all your bases.
Now that you know what type of clothing to bring, the next problem is how many of each you need to bring with you. The answer lies in which pieces can be worn back for the entire trip. These include your jacket, hat, gloves, and even pants. Mostly it’s the inner layers, such as the shirts and leggings, that have to be changed on an almost daily basis. So we recommend that you pack as much inner layer clothing as you expect you’ll need. You can probably just throw in a few extra pieces in there for extra measure.
With these tips, you can explore cooler countries, like Ukraine, in relative warmth. Winter is also a good time to meet with Ukrainian women. Their hospitable and welcoming demeanor will most certainly add a little bit more warmth to your Ukrainian trip.